Sunday, April 26, 2020

Essay Topics About Vietnam

Essay Topics About VietnamAs a Vietnam War veteran, I have a very unique perspective on the essay topics about Vietnam War. As a young man, my family was ready to return to the home country of our ancestors and I was preparing to do the same. My experience in Vietnam as a solider gave me the perspective needed to write the essay topics about Vietnam War, to me, was unique and even different than some of the 'ordinary' folks who 'returned' from Vietnam.The Vietnam War was an excellent motivation for me and the lessons learned in Vietnam played a vital role in my decision to go into the Army. My early life experiences in Vietnam influenced the people in my circle to support me in the decision to enlist in the Army. Those experiences taught me the importance of family and community support and gave me a very unique perspective on the essay topics about Vietnam War.The first essay topics about Vietnam, I wrote were on the ethics of war. I studied ethics in college, learned how not to be killed in battle, and later served in the military. After six years of service, I had completed most of my ethics courses, but I still felt strongly about the morality of war and what the implications of killing someone in war are to a person, a nation and a world.Writing essays on the topic of the ethics of war is difficult for me because I am very religious and a very ethical person. I am very conscientious and always striving to do the right thing even when I feel it is not the best.In my home country, many people were opposed to my fighting for my country, because I was very religious and did not practice what I preached; my moral code was much different than theirs. In Vietnam, I met many people who were very religious but believed in the system of morality that existed in our society, even if they sometimes disagreed with me.I personally experienced a lot of pain in Vietnam and I lost two friends to the war. At the time, I knew that they were not members of my platoon but I di dn't know they were also killed in combat. They had died as martyrs for their beliefs and I eventually found out the fact that one of them was my older brother. I find this unfortunate, but the good part is that I came home to a very loving family and community.My essay topics about Vietnam involved two subjects. One was the ethics of war, and the other was personal. I wanted to help my younger brother, Joshua, and my other family and friends to understand the difficult part of returning from war and getting used to life after. I want to help people around the world to understand the circumstances of the Vietnam War, so they can better support their loved ones in their return to everyday life.

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