Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relationship Between Theodore And The Os Samantha

In Her, one of the limitations of language, the singular means of interaction between Theodore and the OS Samantha, is its inability to express the extent of their love for each other through language alone; there is a physical component to love that Theodore and Samantha cannot overcome. This physical component involves sex, but it also involves the simple act of having a physical presence and being able to share space with the one you love, which differentiates your soul physically from all the others. As such, the old cliche that everyone is the same underneath frustrates and weakens Theodore and Samantha’s relationship, and their lack of nonverbal communication facilitates deceit by omission of truth, which may be what ultimately destroys their relationship. The fact that Samantha fell in love with hundreds of people based on mostly their thoughts and emotions implies individuals can fall in love with the souls of many people, but what differentiates your loved one is the physical manifestation of their soul. Both Theodore and Samantha are aware of this absence, on two separate occasions: one sexual, and the other romantic. Theodore and Samantha both feel sexual desire for each other but cannot have sex. Samantha hires a woman as a proxy for Theodore to have physical sex with while Samantha talks to him, but ultimately Theodore’s discomfort leaves the proxy woman running away and leads Samantha to ask, â€Å"You think I don t know that I m not a person?† If sex is seen asShow MoreRelatedThe Movie Her 1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe movie ‘Her’ is the story about Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), a man who develops a relationship with Samantha (Scarlett Johansson), an intelligent computer operating system pers onified through a female voice. 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