Monday, June 1, 2020

General Election 2019 What Unis Can and Can’t Do

General Election 2019: What Unis Can and Can’t Do? 28/11/2019 The 2019 UK general election, which is scheduled to be held on the 12th of December 2019, is expected to have a strong impact on the country’s political, social, and economic situation. The issues of Britain leaving the European Union, healthcare concerns, crime, and immigration are very important to voters who are going to give their vote to a particular party or candidate. This election could also have a considerable effect on students, the NHS’s capacity to deal with their mental health problems, tuition fees, and foreign students’ ability to attend their lectures in the UK. British universities have a legal obligation to encourage and direct their students to sign up to vote. However, as we already know, some unis violate students’ democratic rights. We have prepared some really useful tips on what unis can and can’t do when it comes to making students’ voices heard. Can Do: Universities have a legal obligation to encourage students to use their right to vote. It is completely legal to encourage students to register to vote. Universities can also inform students they can register in two places. Unis can provide students with information on the registration procedure as well as the process of voting. Cannot Do: Universities cannot influence students’ decision to vote for a particular individual or party. It is illegal to register students without their knowledge. Universities are not allowed to cause peer pressure in any way possible. It is also illegal to complete electoral register applications for students. As a student, you should have a clear understanding of what your university can and can’t do when it comes to your right to vote. This knowledge can be crucial in your ability to successfully graduate from your university and get an academic degree. Posted in News

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